When it comes to hiring a professional office cleaning company, the main focus is the inside of the establishment. Whether it’s the main office, the reception, the restrooms, and even the employee’s area, these are the main places that are given importance. However, if you want your outside space to look as spotless as the inside, you should hire a team of reliable office cleaners from Malaysia to help you out.
Many business owners forget that the outside area of your company is as important as the inside. When your clients visit your place, this is the first thing they tend to see. To maintain your company’s outer area, take note of these aspects, you must practice:
Remove Those Cigarette-Butt
It doesn’t come as a surprise to know that some of our employees (and clients) lean on smoking to relieve themselves from stress and strain from a whole platter of responsibilities. Although vices isn’t a big deal to business owners, those left-off cigarette butts outside your establishment can look unpleasant to customers and passers-by. It can make your business look unprofessional and dirty, which you certainly wouldn’t want to happen.
You can’t force your employees to stop their habits, but you can make sure their voices don’t affect your company’s image. By ensuring a designated smoking area with a cigarette-butt holder, you’ll be able to maintain an ample looking outer business space. However, be sure to empty the bin regularly, so it doesn’t over-flow!
Practice Daily Sweeping
Sweeping might be a small task to do, but it helps a lot when it comes to cleaning outer business areas! A simple regular sweeping while using a stiff brush can do wonders around areas such as the doorways, path-walks, and even your establishment entrance.
Passers-by (as much as we despise it) tends to throw off candy wrappers or papers. This little garbage can find their way to your outer business area, and thus, daily sweeping is needed to stop this from happening. You can also use a hose to make sure the exterior premises are thoroughly cleaned.
Fallen Autumn Leaves
Autumn indeed is a beautiful season; Trees slowly change their color, and the weather is perfect, not too cold but not too hot either. However, as great as it may seem, those fallen autumn leaves can cause you a whole lot of trouble if not adequately dealt with.
The fallen leaves from nearby trees can be blown by the breeze and get into your business area even when they come from somewhere else.
That is why it’s a good idea to hire DFY Cleaner to do the tiring task of picking up all those fallen leaves for you!
Other Unwanted Messes
Let’s face it, as much as we want to; we can’t control the happenings around us. Even if we do our best to clean up the fallen leaves and garbage that gets into our outer business space, other unwanted mess can still find its way to your area.
Whether it’s animal or human feces, dead animals, vomit and many other nasty things, dealing with it right away is vital. Having a regular professional cleaner to act on the job right away will help keep these unpleasant messes from staining your company’s image.
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance
Following these practices above won’t do much if you don’t implement regular maintenance. Considering that first impressions count when it comes to businesses, it’s good to have someone to help regularly maintain your establishment’s outer area. By regularly checking and cleaning your outside business premises, it’ll help ensure your company looks as great as it should always be.
Knowing these five key aspects to implement in your establishment not only helps you and your employees to have a healthy workspace, but it’ll also boost up your company’s image. Make sure you remember these factors when hiring a professional cleaning company such as DFY Cleaner!
Venessa Lam has years of experience in the cleaning industry. During her free time, she will share some cleaning tips and guides.