If you genuinely value your business, then you want it to stay progressive and operative as it always should be. However, one culprit that can sabotage all your efforts is uncleanliness.

Having a speck of dirt, dust, debris, and grime-filled office can negatively impact your employees and customers, which can set your business going to a downfall. If you want to avoid this from happening, hire a local office cleaner from Malaysia that is sure to bring out the best in your workplace.

But if you’re in a tight spot at the moment and don’t have the sufficient funds to hire the professionals, there’s no need to lose hope! One thing you can do is set a proper cleaning schedule in your office, and this article will teach you just that. So, read on! 

Create a Daily Cleaning Schedule 

The first thing you need to do is create a daily cleaning schedule. This part is vital since this is what gives a significant impact on your workplace’s overall cleanliness. Your daily cleaning schedule must include the bare minimum requirement for keeping the whole office clean. All your workers are in charge of the things on the established daily list.

Daily cleaning can include emptying the waste bins and replacing it with new trash bags, disinfecting surfaces such as tables, desks, cabinets and other furniture, sweeping the floors, throwing out all trash, and tidying up coffee rings and food crumbs.

Furthermore, it would be best to create a daily cleaning checklist to hang up in the office bathroom for extra sanitation reminders. Depending on your workers’ effort and motivation, you may have to implement a system where everyone initiates a sign-in sheet after she or he finishes their daily cleaning tasks.

Create The Weekly Cleaning Checklist 

Weekly checking doesn’t necessarily need to be done pronto than the daily cleaning tasks, but that doesn’t mean you can just ignore it and tuck it below the rug. Frequently, daily cleaning won’t do much if you don’t deal with specific cleaning tasks found in the weekly cleaning checklist so if you don’t want all your time and efforts to be just for nothing, then make sure you take the weekly cleaning seriously!

The weekly cleaning checklist may include:

  • Throwing out any perishable food packages left in the communal office refrigerator
  • Cleaning and sanitizing the refrigerator, cleaning and wiping all the windows and doors
  • Polishing brass and hardwood surfaces, polishing floor areas, emptying and sanitizing the trash cans, and mopping the bathroom floor.
  • Deep floor cleaning can also be a weekly task. Establish a revolving list of your workers to complete the checklist every week.

These tasks should be more in-depth cleaning jobs that can help create a healthier, cleaner, and more attractive workplace.

Create The Yearly Cleaning Checklist (Annual Spring-Cleaning) 

No matter how much we put our hearts and minds into cleaning, sometimes dust, dirt, and grime can just be so hard to eliminate! However, there’s no need to lose all hope because, with the united efforts you and your employees have, you can still achieve that spotlessly clean workplace, giving you all benefits.

At least once or perhaps twice a year, you and your employees need to participate in a significant, top-to-bottom deep spring-cleaning. This is when all members of the company will come together to organize and clean the filing cabinets, get rid of any unused items, deep carpet cleaning, and start anew.

This annual cleaning will surely leave your workers feeling, refreshed, reinvigorate, and energized. If you want to achieve the best result, you can consider outsourcing your yearly cleaning for a true professional clean such as DFY Cleaner.


Cleanliness is indeed a needed aspect for a business to run successfully. With undivided effort and time, you’re sure to achieve an excellent result that’ll leave your company looking the best as it can be!