A Quick Guide to Cleaning Public Toilets Effectively

A Quick Guide to Cleaning Public Toilets Effectively

A public toilet is a place that we all visit every day. We go there to use the restroom, and wash our hands before leaving. When you’re in a hurry, it’s easy to overlook some of the obvious things that should be cleaned- like the toilet seat! While many...
The Ultimate Checklist for Office Cleaning Supplies

The Ultimate Checklist for Office Cleaning Supplies

If you work in an office, you know how important it is to keep the space clean. If there are piles of paper and food scraps on the floor, it can be distracting for your staff and unprofessional for your clients. With this in mind, it’s always better to seek the...
The Worst Office Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

The Worst Office Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

There are many mistakes that can be made when it comes to office cleaning. From the moment you walk into your office and start making a mess to the point where you’ve cleaned up all of the dust and dirt. It is important that we avoid these mistakes so we can keep our...
How to Plan Cleaning Your Office

How to Plan Cleaning Your Office

One of the most important components of a successful business is being organized. One way that you can improve your organization skills is by planning out your office cleaning schedule. This will help you stay on top of tasks and prevent problems from happening. In...